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Pray for Tallahassee

“The evangelization of the world depends first upon a revival of prayer. Deeper than the need for workers; deeper far than the need for money; deep down at the bottom of our spiritual lives, is the need for the forgotten secret of prevailing, worldwide prayer.”
~ Robert Speer

You Set the Tone

The All Hours Church in Tallahassee is completely at the service of the community of local churches on behalf of the people of the city. How shall this be? Who shall operate the facilities? What facilities shall their be? Where will they be located? What ministries will be birthed and operate within its walls? All of these questions are being submitted to each of the churches for consideration and counsel.

We do not act alone. The discernment and wisdom of all will shape and define what we do on a day to day basis and once the Holy Spirit deigns that we build according to that design, the churches themselves will participate or not participate as they are led. The result will be a tone of ministry that is given by each.

At that time, if any church sees a need they may fill it. If they see something in need of correction, they may correct it. If there is anything to multiply because it is good, they may work together to add to the good things the Lord is doing. You, the church, set the tone.



Who is running this?

  • Elijah Williams

    our Director of Education and ministry preparation.

  • Janet Adams

    Coordinator of women's outreach and counseling.

  • John Carter

    serving as web master and master of calendars and advertising.

    Shatonya Darden

    Fellowship, hospitality, facility booking coordinator - one amazing woman!

    James Carvin

    will head up the volunteer team that will meet with pastors and follow up seminars.

    Jesus Our Lord

    is our head and sovereign king. All are welcome to join us in serving Him.

Your 24 Hour Extension