about creeds
Show me the power!
Be assured that Christianity is something more than forms and creeds and ceremonies: there is life and power and reality in our holy faith.
~ George Müller
What is a creed?
A creed is a set of beliefs. Since all churches are invited to participate and the All Hours Church is an extension of every church in Tallahassee, our beliefs will reflect the beliefs of the churches. A creed calls for a common set of beliefs and is sometimes called "articles of faith" and less often "confession" or "symbol." Many churches summarize their most important beliefs in a single paragraph and recite their beliefs as they worship. Others post such a summary somewhere so that people can find it.
What is your creed? If you were asked to reduce your beliefs to a list of 5-10 statements, which statements would you choose? Many people don't believe in using creeds because they are not Scripture. Who needs a creed if it doesn't come from the Bible? Why not just read the Bible? The reason for them is they identify certain core beliefs, often some of the more difficult to believe and controversial ones - like the Godship of Jesus and the Holy Spirit, the virign birth, the resurrection from the dead.
In some ways creeds identify groups of believers. Churches that don't believe in the Holy Trinity have a different creed. The word "Trinity" is not found in the Bible. It is apparent from many texts that God is Triune but this word is not used.
One of the things that we would like you to pray about is what creed, if any, the All Hours Church should have. We will not require any creed on the part of those who attend. The leadership team and staff may be required to believe in certain tenants. Please pray that we will have discernment concerning which points of belief should be included.
A creed is not typically a complete set of beliefs. It is a summary only. The intention is to set a boundary. Again, anyone can use the All Hours Church facilities. It is a public library reference hall and place to study. As an extension of all churches in Tallahassee, staff and leadership teams are required to be devout Christians. Please prayerfully help us draw boundaries. We are seeking the Lord's word concerning this.
Who is running this?
Elijah Williams
our Director of Education and ministry preparation.
Janet Adams
Coordinator of women's outreach and counseling.
John Carter
serving as web master and master of calendars and advertising.
Shatonya Darden
Fellowship, hospitality, facility booking coordinator - one amazing woman!
James Carvin
will head up the volunteer team that will meet with pastors and follow up seminars.
Jesus Our Lord
is our head and sovereign king. All are welcome to join us in serving Him.